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Previcur Energy

A systemic multi-site fungicide for the control of downy mildew on protected and outdoor crops of lettuce,


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Product details

A systemic multi-site fungicide for;

  • control of downy mildew on protected and outdoor crops of lettuce

  • moderate control of downy mildew on protected crops of radish

  • control of ‘damping-off’ caused by Pythium spp for lettuce, broccoli/calabrese, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, collard, kale, tomato, melon and cucumber seedlings during propagation under protection.

  • protected crops of tomato, melon and cucumber against Pythium when applied through drip irrigation.

Additional benefits against other Oomycete fungi such as Phytophthora species can also be expected.

Product Profile

Active substance

propamocarb 530.0 g/L + fosetyl 310.0 g/L


Soluble Concentrate (SC)

Pack Size

1 Litre

Water Volume

See 'How and when to apply'

Buffer Zone




Important Information


Method of application

Max individual dose

Max total dose per crop

Latest time of application

Protected lettuce (grown in
organic media)
Outdoor lettuce


 3 ml product/m²

 6 ml product/m²/crop(1)


Foliar spray

 2.5 L product/ha

 5 L product/ha/crop

21 days before harvest

Protected cucumber and protected tomato (grown in organic media)


 3 ml product/m²

 6 ml product/m²/crop(1)


Drip irrigation

 3 L product/ha

 6 L product/ha/crop(2)

3 days before harvest

Protected cucumber and protected tomato (grown in synthetic rooting media)


3 ml product/m²

 6 ml product/m²/crop(1)


 Drip irrigation

 3 L product/ha

 12 L product/ha/crop(3)

3 days before harvest

Protected radish

 Foliar spray

 2.5 L product/ha

 5 L product/ha/crop

14 days before harvest

Protected broccoli/calabrese, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, kale and collard


 3 ml product/m²

 6 ml product/m²/crop(1)



 Qualified minor uses

Protected melon (grown in organic media)


6 ml product/m²

 9 ml product/m²/crop(1)


 Drip irrigation

 3 L product/ha

 6 L product/ha/crop(2)

3 days before harvest

Protected melon (grown in synthetic rooting media)


6 ml/product/m²

 9 ml product/m²/crop(1)

Before transplanting

Drip irrigation

 3 L product/ha

12 L product/ha/crop(3)

3 days before harvest


  1. Where two drenches are allowed on one crop then the first drench 
is restricted to pre-emergence use only.

  2. For use on cucumber (protected), tomato (protected) and melon (protected) in a soil or compost substrate the maximum total dose via drip irrigation must not exceed 6 L/ha/crop.

  3. For application by drip irrigation to tomato, melon and cucumber grown for cropping in artificial substrates. Previcur Energy must not be applied in a re-circulating system.