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Potatoes and soil


Caligula is a systemic fungicide for use in potato and sugar beet crops.


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What is Caligula?

Caligula is a liquid fungicide containing a mixture of carboxamide and triazolinthione systemic fungicides delivering preventative and curative activity against early blight in potatoes and a range of foliar diseases in sugar beet.

Product Profile

 Active Substances

 125 g/L fluopyram and 125 g/L prothioconazole



 Pack size

 5 Litres

 Water Volume


 Buffer Zone

 5 metre



 Important Information   


Potato and sugar beet

Max. individual dose

Potato: 0.5 L/ha; Sugar beet: 1.2 L/ha

Max. total dose

Potato: 1.5 L/ha; Sugar beet: 1.2 L/ha

Earliest time of application

Potato: BBCH 40 (tuber initiation); Sugar beet: 1st September (BBCH 40-49)

Latest time of application

21 days before harvest


Potato and sugar beet: A period of at least 365 days must be observed following treatment with ‘Caligula’ and prior to planting succeeding crops in the MRL group ‘Stem vegetables’. This includes, celery, cardoons, Florence fennel and leeks.

Potato: A minimum interval of 10 days must be observed between applications. No more than two consecutive applications.

Sugar beet: Sugar beet tops treated with Caligula must be disposed of and not fed to livestock