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Aviator 235Xpro

Aviator 235Xpro is a one-pack fungicide product containing the SDHI bixafen and class-leading azole prothioconazole.


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Product details

The primary goal when applying a T1 fungicide is to control Septoria on the recently emerged final leaf 3 and leaf 4 at GS 31-32.

Timing is critical, with T1 sprays applied too early usually resulting in poor disease control on the emerging leaf 3 due to a lack of coverage on the leaf that emerges after application.

Optimum performance from T1 applications is seen after a T0 spray, typically applied two to four weeks before T1.

When T1 applications are applied too late, leaf 3 is exposed to infection risk for longer. This requires any fungicide to work harder to control latent Septoria when it is eventually applied and can have a negative impact on product efficacy. 

Aviator235Xpro product image
We gained 0.2 t/ha above the farm standard programme. Financially that’s quite a big gain. On the current prices of oilseed rape, it equates to roughly £70/ha in favour of using Aviator.
Andrew Williamson | Judge For Yourself farmers