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DK Expectation packaging

DK Expectation

DK Expectation combines TuYV resistance with all-round agronomic strength to minimise commercial production risk.


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Product details

  • Solid 4.90t/ha-plus average yields from all sowing dates in 14-site field-scale 2022 grower trials, with notably little difference between them.

  • Vigorous establishment and rapid autumn development, offering wide sowing date flexibility and the best tolerance of early pest damage.

  • Rapid spring regrowth and early flowering for strong compensation from winter damage and long pod-fill.

  • Noticeably lower levels of 2023 TuYV infection than other leading varieties with the resistance trait in breeders trials.

  • Good light leaf spot, stem canker and verticillium resistance with strong standing power for the greatest management flexibility.

  • Original Dekalb pod shatter resistance, maximising combining flexibility while minimising losses in the run-up to and at harvest.