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DK Excited packaging

DK Excited

DK Excited has the agronomic flexibility to make the most of seasonal uncertainties with the greatest reliability.


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Product details

  • First place in 14-site field-scale 2022 grower trials with an average treated seed yield of 5.07t/ha under a range of commercial regimes.

  • Rapid but not over-fast autumn development to get away from autumn challenges with the least risk of excessive pre-winter canopy growth.

  • Fast spring regrowth for the most reliable compensation for winter weather and pest damage.

  • Valuable Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) advantages over other varieties in trials for two years in a row.

  • Good light leaf spot, stem canker, verticillium and TuYV resistance with strong standing power for the greatest management flexibility.

  • Original Dekalb pod shatter resistance, maximising combining flexibility while minimising seed losses in the run-up to and at harvest.